Hill People Gear & MyMedic™ Kit Drop In Grand Junction, Colorado

Hill People Gear, a local family-run business headquartered in Grand Junction, Co, along with Salt Lake City, Utah First Aid company, MyMedic™ delivered a supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) to Firefighters in Grand Junction, Colorado on Wednesday May 20th, 2020. Due to a lack of funding and access needed to purchase and maintain proper first aid equipment, first responders are showing up to situations inadequately protected from exposure to COVID-19 and starting to test positive, bringing concern to communities.
Hill People Gear is a company that produces quality, efficient performance gear built to solve problems for those that participate in backcountry travel for both work and pleasure.
“As a former wild-land firefighter, I've always had an appreciation for the fire part of GJFD's mission. It took my daughter working a couple of shifts with them during her EMT training to make me appreciate the bulk of what they do. Day in and day out, GJ Fire Department folks are coming to the aid of people who are in medical crisis. You call on the Fire Department on one of the worst days of your life, but for them, that's an everyday reality.” Evan Hill, of Hill People Gear, shared about why his company wanted to support the Grand Junction Fire Department with this PPE kit donation.
Also in attendance was Billy Haley from MyMedic, who, out of their Salt Lake City warehouse, handle packaging and shipping for the Give Kits Foundation 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
“MyMedic is a family-operated business based on the objective to save lives and we are driven by a goal to prepare people with equipment and training for the unexpected emergency. We believe everyone should have instant access to a life-saving First Aid Kit, if we can partner with other great companies to support first responders in their communities, we will do what we can to help.”Grand Junction Fire Chief Ken Watkins shared this about the PPE kit donation. “What’s important about these kits is they are everything in one– masks, sanitizer, and gloves… so when they go out on their cases, everything is there for them."
To learn more visit givekits.org, Hill People Gear and MyMedic
The Give Kits Foundation has made it easy for individuals to donate essential PPE Kits directly to the Firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers, or Nurses in their community. Contact Give Kits today to donate a kit, or register to have one donated to you.
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